And why all the trouble always fall down on the shoulders of young people, seeing someone special watching over them and said to her highness Fate, where and to whom it should send its next blow! Was no exception and our today's hero anime brave story "Wataru Mitani.Malchiku just 10 years old, he just is not the best among the" friends ", his family just in big trouble, why not try it on the morale and other human kachestva.Po my opinion, the ideal candidate, you do not you think? However, in our reality with you, for some reason, no unusual creatures, express wizards, witches, dinosaurs or mileyshih drakonchikov.A how else can you experience the real hero and a courageous cheloveka.Pridetsya just something to make up - so did the creators of this anime: they drawn the whole world (Vision) for our hero, so he was, where to turn around and show their various qualities: fear, courage, surprise, a shoulder to the courage, the will to win - the list goes on ... The question arises, what about Wataru learned of the existence of this world and its lofty mission? "The answer to this question lies in another major heroes of history - Mitsuro Ashikava - this is the key to all secrets of this mysterious adventure .... But he also Ashikava not so simple a character that we'll soon dogodalis what's what and whom should be "hurt" in this bitve.Lish the end of the anime cartoon creators will shed light on the role Ashikavi in this game called "life." Who really Ashikava and Wataru, friends or rivals? On this issue you'll find the answer yourself when you look at it anime.Ya mention only those characters that really helped good triumph over evil. (And do not be surprised this is still possible at least, this anime is one more proof that the most different and difficult life situations, it is a good way, and not to succumb to the circumstances and all the responsibility to pass on to others' shoulders or fate.) So, in this difficult struggle Wataru not be treated without Kaori-aid only by combining their efforts, Wataru able to see the goddess Sudby.A this in turn is not as easy as it seems at first glance: you surely have thought that, once inside, Vision, become a real magician and a magician, and all you begin to obey and fulfill your desires .... That's the way it is right, but not so - you first need to have "earned" the title of the traveler, and here a little fantasy, too: it is necessary to show more physical strength and smekalku.Zatem need to create a team assistants, associates, and just those beings whom you can trust one hundred percent! "In my opinion, this problem is also not an easy one - because in reality you also did not immediately find its true friend, and now more and extreme conditions .... What can you say - Wataru is clearly not to be envied!" Well, suppose You are a super-hero, and coped with all of these conditions ... What th ... obviously not enough. Ah, yes, of course! There are not enough any "production", which you, as a true "knight", are obliged to present his mistress - the goddess Sudby.V "Brave Story so trophies are five stones, the last one to get, of course, heavier vsego.A his name is - soon creeps over the skin - STONE TMY.I here, you seemingly already almost there, when suddenly - a new mystery - ozero.Imenno ice on it you will expect the hardest battle of all the anime - the battle with himself soboy.Kak we love to look for flaws and izyany our opponents - just call at least ten, if only we were given the opportunity to gloat .... And here is how to deal with yourself, how to win this battle and find my "I"?? "Here, no Magic will not help - here it is - the moment of truth has come! I will not open the veil of mystery, and say who will win this battle - I will only say one thing, opponents have been traditionally two: Wataru and Ashikava .... What do you think who will win the magic or the heart, wit or anger? Anime is recommended for viewing must! Yes, there is nothing sverhestvennogo, a set of "ingredients" fairly standard for such a "fairy tale." However, do not miss the chance to show this anime to its adult children - watch anime in one breath, and describes the many truths of life.