Today I want to talk about what has already gripped me for a year and still no go. About anime. I will not go into the origins of anime, its history, genres, and features. This all may wish to read on Wikipedia or elsewhere nibut. Here I wish to express their opinion about anime. As I have already said, I watch anime for a year, thanks to my friend Dennis, who gave me a look at one of the series. That's still watching. While I was at that time one (and still is) - an inveterate animeshnih, to plant me it happened at an active player in the on-line games, such as Linage2 and Eve-oline. Until that moment I, like most Russian adolescents, a negative attitude toward anime. In general in Russia very much lost a lot of emotions and experiences, lived in ignorance of all their youth people. The reasons for this somewhat, and now some of them: Anime in Russia of my childhood on television airplay is very rare, and if they did, then chose failed to show in our country that works of art. Everyone remembers Sailor Moon. Many people in older age could not stand this series. Someone did not like the stupid girl: fighting, someone is constantly repeated stump fragments and phrases (such as: "Moon prism, give me strength!"), Someone just did not like the plot. This view was certainly not all, some people still watch Sailor Moon and buy CDs, figurines, key chains with their images (I know one such -_-). Even in Russia show on Channel Pokemon. Most children Pokemon simply infected. All every day waiting for a new series, bought the cards and chips with Pokemon, played with toys in the form of Pikachu and the other monster))). Only after some time showing Pokemon banned in Russia. As mentioned in the news: "Pokemon negative impact on the psyche of children." Introducing another anime in Russia ended its ban. Anime times sharply to the other channels, but it was extremely rare and not well publicized, as the cases with Sailor Moon and Pokemon. The only thing that went well, this cartoon show Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki's "Hodyachij Castle" (or "Currently Howly Castle"). Simple, good story left a good impression among the Russian audience, but to fully involve them in the anime, one of the tale, unfortunately, not enough. Just someone did not like some features of anime. Expression of sentiment anime characters, such as the pulsating veins, the river pouring tears or brutal angry faces, caused not a very pleasant experience. Some people just do not like that character's eyes to the floor face. Some did not like the voice. Squeaky voice, or vice versa some rough characters, as well as the Japanese pronunciation of elicit the same reaction as that of the children first heard the phrase in German. In general, a few years ago, anime in Russia was quite a sad fate. But all these causes of negative attitudes towards the anime for the most part stupid. If one piece of the genre seemed to fail, it does not mean that the remaining works will be the same. For the Japanese language, sounding in the background, after a few hits on an equal footing as English and German. A drawing of some anime, if you look closely at all is amazing! Huge sparkling eyes, sweet faces of the girls, pleasing appearance guys, furious, frenzied mask villains - all this just catches the eye. Anime storylines are sometimes totally unpredictable. There is nothing like you see in the movies, which is played on television and in cinemas. Anime has a full range of genres: from romantic love to ekshinov-fighters. General anime - this is such a thing, which is worth seeing on a mandatory basis. During this year I was mired in a lot of emotion. From all that I have overlooked some of the works of the genre anime left on me nesgladimye impressions, some have helped to understand some features of my life, some just lifted the mood.