Anime Description: Once upon a time were a ninja, and was in their training center master Onsokomaru. They lived in clover, tantsuyuchi and drink and then just idly do not. But the main goal for them is the master of the covenant: "Women Undress, push, the temptation!" or you're not a real ninja. But what about the girls-ninja? Easy for them to be! Delov something: to undress, pull, seduced ... This is a code ninja and honor him - osnonaya task. And so they lived not regretted, pinning and podkalyvayas until the master is not decided proekzamenovat budding Shinobu - steal more panties of schoolgirls in the area (as you can see, the master, who is also Onsokomaru, never missed an opportunity to laugh). From this and begins the story, which is closer acquaint you with the ninja way of life, and uncover hitherto hidden secrets.
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