When you hang out in the vast world of Anime, is constantly confronted with the expression "Cosplay". Logical question - what is it - "Cosplay"? I want to give a little explanation on this term, and to understand how important and is an integral piece of any living, self-respecting animeshnika. Cosplay - is an attempt to embody a person, an action that happens on the screen. More relevant to the world of anime. Cosplay affects not only the act itself, but all of his incoming images, costumes and situations. Originated the concept of course in Japan, among the fans of manga and anime, they also joined the game and fans of historical films. The fact that the main tselyu cosplay, is as close as possible to transmit the image of the character and spirit, which you show. If possible, it is necessary to mask the shortcomings of the cosplayers, if any, to cosplay was the most correct. Creating kospeya just happens several napravleniy.Nezavisimo from their constituents, the first step is always the idea (the source), which served to create for himself an image obraza.Imeya-cosplayer must decide for himself, what he would do, sew yourself, ask friends or book sewing in the studio, well, or pokupat.Shit itself is certainly the most complicated path, but I think it is worth of respect and praise. Bid - we are not so developed this industry that have to order most likely to purchase home kospleya.No things often fall short of the level that people imagine. Also, no small part of the image - this accessories. Each hero has a favorite thing - whether it be a lighter, or the sword. All this can be bought or ordered. Of course we have this choice too small. In this regard, the things that we can not produce themselves, have to order through Internet stores. Well nothing, anime shops we already have and assortment of goods is constantly increasing, so maybe soon all will buy. You should not deceive ourselves that if you have a good costume, you crystals can be those who planned to create. This is perhaps the most difficult part in its creation - the approach itself to the image of his hero. This stage takes place twice - to create a costume, when you choose your hero, and then, when you give your appearance a maximum similarity to the hero. If you are not sure what you can do that, is to choose an image that is most appropriate for you initially. Cosplayer should feel a hero, to understand it. This is especially important when it comes to role-cosplay. After all, you will agree, it is hard to win back the role of the selected character in staging scenes, when you do not feel his character. Creating cosplay - dressing up is not just from one garment to another, and more chance to reveal their hidden acting talents and abilities to the game. The main thing probably is not how others see your hero, and then you chuvstvuyute it yourself.
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