For a long time ago strange creatures that drink blood and sleeping during the day, walk the earth. About them, secret and strange, pale and magic, a lot of all to tell, a lot of it is written, a lot of shot. And, of course, the anime industry also boasts the presence of vampires. Vampires are different: if you want pretty, want to terrible. Some drink blood, others live on pills, some are fried in the sun, and plenty of sun make trouble. With all the love for the mysterious and the teeth, I want to share with you, acquired knowledge, obtained after watching the huge number of the aforementioned products. To begin with, let us turn to history, or rather the father of modern ideas about vampires - Brem Stoker - the old, slightly mad Irishman, who believed the vampires the demons of the night and attributed them to strange properties such as turning into mist, bats and wolves. Bram Stoker first described more fully generation nochi.O vampires written and after it, but the majority of artistic works about vampires in the 20 th century are clearly relevant to the work of Stoker. Japanese (represented by the studio Toei Animation is everywhere has been and remains a pioneer) had finally decided to withdraw anime about vampires. Thus, in 1980, was created a full-length film "Vampire Dracula, the Emperor of Darkness / Yami no Teio: Kyuuketsuki Dracula», based on the comic Marwa Vulfmena who drew them, pochityvaya Stoker. So Drlakula out the same strange, nervous and a little angry, living in a castle somewhere in the backwoods of Transylvania. That is 5 years and in 1985 the studio ASHI creates an interesting movie "Vampire Hunter D", and again we see in vampipax evil, greed, poverty, and whose livelihood depends on the famous Dee. Dee himself is not as simple as it seems at first glance, it is not a man and not a vampire, he Dampier. Dampier, often - it poluchelovek poluvampir, something born of a normal woman from a vampire, and endowed with the power of vampires, but does not have their weaknesses. Moreover, Dee in the left hand lives nightmarish creature that is forced to help his master, but not very clear where it had come. Of course graphics are not particularly happy, but it is one of the main disadvantages. UNOS is not happy, is one of the main disadvantages, you just do not remember what year series, and take into account the fact that the budget of the film is very small. Fifteen years after the original anime, finally, decided to create a continuation of "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust". Despite the fact that the second part was set up another studio - Madhouse, sequel retains the main-atmosphere that captures the very first minutes of the film. Great and mighty Dee back at work, but the film itself raises more serious questions: for example - love, death has arisen between a girl and a vampire, and then, on this

vampire is ready to go for her. Incredibly romantic, very sad, but necessarily have to look. In place of the mighty Dee destroy vampires comes - "Vampire Princess Miyu» OVA-series, made by studio AIC in 1988 year. The atmosphere of 4 stories creates music, graphics, characters and subtle philosophy. Mia is very interesting, the last vampire - she is a beautiful girl with golden eyes, who wants to save the world from demons, but she herself must drink blood to live, and we can say that she likes it. Very original series, do not be afraid of drawing and static images on the screen - it's even a few plays into the hands, because then it looks as though it is such a old, true story. After 10 years out TV series "Vampire Princess Miyu, which is not quite kept charisma Miyu, and began processing issued in 1988 OVA-series. The plot has turned the extended (26 episodes), the story easier, and the picture has lost its aristocracy. After so many different works of Toei Animation once again appealed to our genre, and agreed to establish a 50-minute OVA-series "War of the vampires, anime, and that it is difficult to call, so it is kind of Americanized, we have: Broken carnage and bustle. Item can be for information, particularly semantic load are you unlikely to find, but the laugh is quite possible. To fans of the genre may also enjoy a series, created by studio AIC in 1998 - "The Night Wanderer / Night Walker: Mayonaka no Tantei». Despite criticism of this series, I want to note that it deserves attention. I have already mentioned about vampires Anne Rice, so: here you will find a humane and Lestat, Louis and capricious. Protagonist Shido-sees life from different angles, he seems to be a perpetual observer of people who are struggling with lower vampires. Film production studio Production IC - "Blood: The Last Vampire" continues the theme of vampires fighting against their lower sobratev.Sayya is the last surviving vampire; of the characters calls it "the last of the true" - Saya applies to people with contempt, but it is something to stop the killing people, on the contrary, it protects their life. Saya stronger, faster than the average person, but can not readily regenerate, she is not afraid of sunlight, as for the other's weaknesses, usually attributed to vampires, then their presence it is not known. She works for a secret organization and occupied by the extermination of demons, vampires. Later withdrew the continuation called «Blood +», a series about the same Saie, who does not remember his past and live a normal life until the appearance of strange demons and a mysterious organization declares that it alone can cope with these demons. Perhaps you, like many fans of vampires, heard about the great and mighty hunter Hellsing, who tried to destroy Vlad Dracula. Well, originally - Dr. Abraham Van Hellsing was a philosopher, an expert on the occult and vampire hunter, and other creations of the night, a flock of very famous because of Bram Stoker. So, the anime series Hellsing Hellsing organization shows headed by Integro Feyrbruk Vingeyts Hellsing - granddaughter of that same Abraham Van Helsing. The main character Alucard, if you read his name backwards we get Dracula, mysteriously connected with Integro and serves it, helping organizations solve bolshimstvo "important" issues. Of course, the Alucard - limit vampirsikih abilities: it can almost all from the flight, transformation and regeneration of ending such a level that even as a puddle, can be restored and all will kill. In general, it is very, very steep, probably the reason why anime

"Hellsing" so fond of. It is interesting that a man can become a vampire, only if it bites another vampire, and a prerequisite yavlyaetsya chastity of the victim, otherwise people prevraschaetsya a vampire or a ghoul, a vampire servant. Incidentally, after the TV series, OVA-shot series «Helising Ultimate», at the moment came for five episodes. By type shooting «Helising Ultimate» closer to the manga, since filming "Hellsing", many fans of the manga was deficient. Therefore it is necessary, and read manga and watch anime, to better learn about the world of Hellsing. Two representatives of the small-format series "Wai Durant" and "Legend of Duo". In "Legend of Duo" you can also find various vampires - true, in fact itself Duo. He vampire-like de Souza, who did a vampire, but still have Stephen, do not call until the end. I really liked the idea that the virus affected people (those few who have survived) is now hunting for vampires to prolong his life, so it appears that the hunter becomes the hunted. Add to this the fact that the vampire is quite easy to kill, I involuntarily begin to sympathize with vampirchikam, although not all of them are simple and good. It seems pretty simple story, but somehow the image of the Duo is in my head, can because of the atmosphere, perhaps because he was so small. I do not know, but spend about an hour on this anime advise. The series "Wai Durant" is not particularly distinguished: the human world after the catastrophe, there aren'ta lot of people and, of course - the vampires. And now, six brothers go in search of Genetrix type of vampire, of course the way they have all sorts of difficulty. I think it might even please those who just like anime about vampires, plus special - Papa kids vampire, he is certainly in the course of the series fairly frequently appears in provocative poses. Wonderful anime from the studio MadHouse - «Song of the Lamb", although here he vampirism, appears only in the thirst for blood and blood-lust was only because of some disease is inherited. Here you will not find any of the canines, no strange transformations, or superhuman abilities. The focus is on experiences of the protagonist, its internal changes as well as his new life with her sister. Worth to see and enjoy dramatic story, exquisitely mournful atmosphere of this series. Separately, we must mention the creation of the studio J. C. Staff - «The Tale of the Moon Princess," the story is not just about vampires, this story is about a princess Arkueyd (it is a real vampire - she does not need to drink blood, and she is not afraid of death, in fact can be restored quickly ). She slept for a long time and now, in the modern world, woke up with a desire to once again take revenge on the demon Roa, who in the past betrayed her. She met a guy Shiki, who has a special vision - he can see the line of life, or rather death, if for him to - you can destroy everything. She gently hinting that he was obliged to her and now he must help her to find embodiment Roa. Shiki himself recently moved to his sister, who, incidentally, also has a secret - she is also a vampire, and in the classroom will Shicky girl who hunt vampires. In general, a lot of what happens with the characters for 13 episodes, which I recommend to fans is not so brutal vampire battles, how many people love the mysterious drama. In 2005, there were anime "Trinity Blood", which won the hearts of many because the main character is Abel Naytroud - charming, he's not just a vampire, he krusnik (from Serbian «Krysnik» - sorcerer daze for klinatel vampires) who drinks the blood of vampires. Krusniki were created during undercover investigations on Mars, by implanting in the body - nanomachines. This all works in strange ways, but when nanomachines activated, manifest

latent abilities krusnika. Abel is Krusnikom 02; besides him, there are three krusnika: his older brother, Cain 01, their sister Cer 03 and Lilith Sahl 04). Now Cain headed Naytroud Order Rozenkreyts (ie the evil vampire) ... In more modern anime 2006-year "Karin", the main character, Karin - a vampire, but despite his nature, she, like thousands of their peers in school, moonlight in a cafe, walking with friends. Karin - special vampire, vampire, she produces blood, ie her body is able to provide itself with blood, and sometimes it becomes so much that the baby's blood comes from the nose (especially the ability is enhanced when the class appears in the new boy Kenta Usuy). Thus, we can make a small conclusion that vampires originally perceived by people, but in our case, the directors, only as something evil and terrible, over time, it altered the idea and began to emerge more works in which vampires, sorry for the comparison are the same people with their problems and zhiznyu.Takov vzgdyad question vampires in anime, now it does not matter whether the hero is a vampire, a demon or a man, as his personality. There are a lot of movies and TV series, where you can meet vampirchikov, vampires, vampirisch, as well as those on such hunts. In the article, I described only the most interesting, according to the editorial work, which we remembered and looked up. Despite this, the theme of vampires still relevant: many artists and studios continued to turn to the ideas of eternal life, and we can only wait for these works.
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Thank you, informative and interesting
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